Bahasa English Status Baru
Judul The Presidential Decree Number 80 Year 1993 on the Ratification to the Amendment of Article VI of the Statue of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Tentang The Presidential Decree Number 80 Year 1993 on the Ratification to the Amendment of Article VI of the Statue of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Singkatan 80 Year 1993
Jenis Peraturan Presiden (PERPRES) Nomor 80 Year 1993
Bidang Hukum - Bentuk Rilis
Tempat Penetapan - Tahun 1993
Sumber - Tanggal Penetapan 01/09/1993
Deskripsi -
Katakunci 11
Tag -
No. Nama Ukuran Unduh
1 Keputusan Presiden No. 80 thn 1993 178 kB Peraturan
Dokumen Lengkap 179,7 kB Dokumen Lengkap